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Message from the Principal

St Joseph’s School in Warragul works hard to offer a warm and welcoming environment to families.

We are committed to serving the intellectual, spiritual, physical, emotional and social needs of students in a loving Christian environment. As a Catholic school we particularly aim to enhance student spiritual needs in the Catholic tradition, in partnership with parents.

At our school, each child is encouraged to grow in the values of Jesus as expressed in the gospels. Some of these values are: faith, respect, kindness, love, justice, forgiveness, good example, honesty, trust and peace. All children in our school are treated respectfully as individuals and are encouraged to behave respectfully at all times in all circumstances.

The ethos of our school is enhanced by the following:

  • Student/Staff relationships – we have a caring and dedicated staff
  • Every child is important and made to feel secure and cared for
  • History of family support
  • Celebrating special events as a community
  • Our school works to provide a Pastoral Care program that ensures that every child is very much valued as an individual.

We are blessed with a wonderful degree of parental support for all activities and program requirements, with parents assisting with reading, computers, arts program, mathematics, sport and physical education units. Through this, we hope to be a vibrant centre of learning. St Joseph’s depends entirely upon the caring people for whom it exists. We are blessed with generous, thoughtful and selfless people in our school community.

We invite you to be a special member of our school family where your involvement will be valued and appreciated. If you would like a tour of our school and to meet with me, please call 56232943 to organise an appropriate time. I can also be contacted via email:principal@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au.

Mrs Roslyn Joyner